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April 20, 2018
Behind the Walls

We get pretty excited around here when our craftsmanship collides with our ingenuity. The result is ATP: The first-ever simple push-button freestanding Adjustable Training Platform to hit the climbing industry and truly address the rapid needs of climbers who train hard and often. We've come up with an adjustable wall package that can change angles in seconds via simple push-buttons, accommodate any of your preferred brands of training systems, and integrate within your facility via freestanding or fixed installations. We're forging a new age in building climbers, and it all starts with ATP.

We've toiled long and hard to make these products a reality, and the units in the field are already making a huge splash. See ATP in-action next month at this year's CWA Summit, or reach out to us to discuss pricing. Check the high-level features below, or view the fully-detailed product page to get into the nitty-gritty.

  • Fully freestanding or fixed installation
  • 8’ x 10’ (w x h) standard, custom sizes optional
  • Vertical to 50º overhung in seconds
  • One board for any system you want (Moon, Tension, Kilter, Lattice, etc.)
  • Professionally installed by The VS Team